What To Know About Hyperlexia

Hyperlexia is a learning disability involving reading comprehension. Learn more about it including the signs in children and how it's treated.

Children with hyperlexia are often self-taught readers who can read well above what is expected at their age. However, they struggle to understand what they are reading. Essentially, they excel in knowing how to decode written words but struggle with comprehension.

The term hyperlexia was coined in 1967. This learning disability is typically characterized by four features: advanced reading skills, learning to read early without being taught, having a strong preference for letters and books, and having an accompanying neurodevelopmental disorder, such as autism spectrum disorder.

This condition is often linked with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but not always. Learn more about hyperlexia, including signs, diagnosis, and treatment of hyperlexia.

Toddler reading books

Catherine Delahaye / Getty Images

The Relationship Between Hyperlexia and Autism

"When the term was first used, back in the 1960s, hyperlexia was specifically used to describe children with neurodevelopmental disabilities who also showed fairly excelled word-reading skills," explains Laura Justice, PhD, an expert in speech and hearing science and a distinguished professor of educational psychology at The Ohio State University.

Over 50 years after the term hyperlexia was first introduced, this condition is now linked to autism and is often reported as one of the savant abilities in autism. However, scientists have yet to determine how it relates to autistic cognition and typical reading acquisition.

"Kids with this intense interest in letters enjoy reading words but have trouble with meaning," says Robert Naseef, PhD, a psychologist with expertise in autism who practices at Alternative Choices, an independent psychology practice in Pennsylvania. "This characteristic is common in autism. [Autistic kids] often recognize the words but struggle to comprehend the meaning of the text or the paragraph."

Overall, hyperlexia is strongly associated with autism: 84% of kids with hyperlexia are also identified as being on the autism spectrum. Yet, only 6% to 14% of kids diagnosed with autism will have hyperlexia. It is also possible for hyperlexia to occur alongside other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Hyperlexia

The most obvious and common trait associated with hyperlexia is accelerated word-reading skills, says Dr. Justice. The next most common is an intense fascination with letters, other printed forms, and sometimes even numbers.

"Sometimes parents will notice that their young child is totally fascinated with letters the way another child might be fascinated with trucks, trains, balls, and so on," says Dr. Naseef. "Many times, they have a love for letters even before they know the sounds of the letters." 

Laura Justice, PhD

Brain imaging studies also indicate that areas of the brain associated with visual processing may have greater activation among persons with hyperlexia.

— Laura Justice, PhD

Once they start reading or decoding the words in books, kids with hyperlexia appear to be exceptional readers. However, they have trouble answering questions about what they read because there is so much language demand.

"I have had students who come into school reading 'Junie B. Jones' but do not have the underlying language skills to accompany reading at that level," says Diane Ouimet, MA, CCC-SLP, a speech-language pathologist in a central Ohio school district. "In other words, they can read at a high level early on, but they cannot comprehend what they are reading."

Ouimet believes the structure and predictability of the alphabet are part of the draw toward letters, words, and books for kids with hyperlexia. To them, reading is a repetitive, restrictive behavior with decoding as the primary goal rather than comprehension.

"Assessments of reading-related skills among children who are hyperlexic also indicate a tendency to have very good visual-perceptual skills (e.g., the rate at which letters can be detected, mental rotation of numbers)," says Dr. Justice. "Brain imaging studies also indicate that areas of the brain associated with visual processing may have greater activation among persons with hyperlexia."

Do All Early Readers Have Hyperlexia?

A child reading at a remarkably young age does not automatically mean that they are hyperlexic or autistic. Sometimes gifted children will begin to read at a very young age, too. The key is to recognize your child's early reading ability and talk to a professional about it. They can help determine your child's learning abilities and if treatment is needed.

When Does Hyperlexia Show Up?

Hyperlexia is often present at an extremely early age, sometimes even during the toddler years. Some children with hyperlexia will exhibit advanced reading skills when they are about 2 to 4 years old. And, some with this condition may even begin reading when they are toddlers.

"Parents might notice their child's fascination with letters as early as 18 months," says Dr. Naseef. "For instance, they might enjoy playing with magnetic letters. If your child is constantly looking at the letters, manipulating them, and totally fascinated with them, you might want to talk to their pediatrician about it because there might be other symptoms there as well."

Identifying Hyperlexia

If your child seems to be extremely good at sounding out words and reading books, take a closer look, especially if they are learning to read outside of the typical social context. For kids with hyperlexia, reading is something they do alone and is often self-taught. If you notice this pattern in your child, talk to a pediatrician or ask for a referral for a more specialized evaluation.

Sometimes, hyperlexia can be missed initially. Often, parents and teachers focus so much on the student's strengths that they do not recognize comprehension issues. If your child is an extremely early reader, you should check their comprehension. Ask them to tell you what happened in the story or ask specific questions related to the text, especially if they have other learning difficulties.

"Remember, some of these kids are really good at hiding," says Ouimet. "They have such great skills that a parent might see something before a teacher sees it. Drill down and get a little more specific, especially if they struggle with narrative skills."

How Hyperlexia Is Diagnosed

There are no specific tests for hyperlexia, but a neuropsychologist or other health care professional may be able to identify characteristics of hyperlexia in your child by talking with them. They do this by gauging your child's understanding of language.

"There are different ways that hyperlexia is defined (or diagnosed), with the most common being a distinction between one’s cognitive abilities and reading abilities, such that reading abilities excel well beyond that expected based on cognition," explains Dr. Justice.

If hyperlexia is suspected, your child's doctor will evaluate their reading ability. They also might examine if the child is interested in other types of play, responsive to their parents, or interested in playing with other kids, says Dr. Naseef. All of these characteristics help paint a picture of whether or not hyperlexia might exist.

Hyperlexia and Other Disorders

Most of the time hyperlexia does not occur on its own. Typically, other learning difficulties or behavioral issues will also be present. According to Dr. Naseef, hyperlexia is not clearly defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Instead, hyperlexia is listed as a part of autism, so if your child has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, you may want to watch for signs of hyperlexia as well.

The key is that you continue to monitor your child's early reading and keep track of your observations so that you can share them with your child's doctor and teacher. The sooner hyperlexia is identified, the sooner your child can start developing the skills needed to address any comprehension or language issues that exist.

Treatment for Hyperlexia

There is no set way to treat hyperlexia. The best treatment plans not only consider the whole child but are designed to help them maximize their potential. "The first question to ask is—what are their strengths and weaknesses?" says Ouimet. "Then ask, how can we use those strengths to work on those weaknesses?"

Although decoding words efficiently and accurately is a necessary part of reading, it is not the only skill needed for academic success. Students must also be able to comprehend what they are reading and integrate what they have read into their homework and other school activities.

Diane Ouimet, MA, CCC-SLP

There is a big jump between third and fourth grade where kids go from learning to read to reading to learn. We don’t want to send kids on to middle school without that skill.

— Diane Ouimet, MA, CCC-SLP

For this reason, kids with hyperlexia will likely need to work with a variety of specialists like speech-language pathologists and neuropsychologists so that they can learn ways to address their reading challenges. Treatment might include speech therapy, communication practice, and lessons teaching them how to understand what they are reading.

Your child's treatment plan will likely evolve and change as they grow and learn and you play a vital role in that. As a parent, you will often be the first person to recognize what your child needs as well as what is working and what is not working. Take notes on what you observe and communicate regularly with your child's teachers, therapists, and health care professionals.

Tips for Coping With Hyperlexia

If your child is diagnosed with hyperlexia or has characteristics of hyperlexia, it's important to put together a team of professionals who can help them build their comprehension skills. The earlier the intervention, the more likely that your child can be given the tools they need to build their comprehension skills.

"They need some help along the way to build phonological awareness," says Ouimet. "There also is a lot of language load in school. Kids with hyperlexia and autism are being asked a lot every day and at the end of the day, they are tired."

It is important to remember this and provide outlets that help them unwind and relax. You also need to make sure you are being supported. Dealing with a condition like hyperlexia can be both perplexing and frustrating. Educate yourself with reliable resources and try to avoid entertaining worst-case scenarios.

Diane Ouimet, MA, CCC-SLP

While it is normal and automatic for parents to jump to conclusions or consider worst-case scenarios, you need to try not to.

— Diane Ouimet, MA, CCC-SLP

"Some students will learn skills through their education or therapy that may help them close those gaps and other students may always struggle," says Ouimet. "While it is normal and automatic for parents to jump to conclusions or consider worst-case scenarios, you need to try not to."

Ouimet suggests seeking out a speech pathologist or asking for a referral. She also encourages parents to talk to their child's teachers because they often have ideas on what you can do at home to support your child's learning.

"[But] at the end of the day, be a parent," says Ouimet. "Love them and take care of them. They have a learning difference, so make sure they have the tools and resources they need."

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  1. Is it hyperlexia? Toward a deeper understanding of precocious reading skills in two cases of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clin Ter. 2022.

  2. Measuring the Emergence of Specific Abilities in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Example of Early Hyperlexic Traits. Brain Sci. 2021.

  3.  Hyperlexia: Systematic review, neurocognitive modelling, and outcomeNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2017.

  4. What are reading disorders?. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. 2020.

  5. Recognizing comprehension pitfalls in early readers with autism. American Speech Language Hearing Association. 2020.

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